Thursday, October 29, 2009

Seeking Truth: How Christians Discover Atheism

The Atheist Experience

Seeking Truth: How Christians Discover Atheism.

Hitchens v Wilson - Christianity vs Atheism

A debate at Westminster Theological Seminary between Christopher Hitchens, renowned atheist, and Douglas Wilson, renowned Christian author.

God - photos

Atheist Commandments

Atheism Tapes - Steven Weinberg

Jonathan Miller interviews Steven Weinberg about religion and faith.

Atheism Tapes - Colin McGinn

Jonathan Miller interviews Colin McGinn about religion and faith.

"Believing the Unbelievable: The Clash Between Faith and Reason in the Modern World"

"Believing the Unbelievable: The Clash Between Faith and Reason in the Modern World" with Sam Harris speaking at the 2007 Aspen Ideas Festival.

Sam Harris - Misconceptions About Atheism

"Believing the Unbelievable: The Clash Between Faith and Reason in the Modern World" with Sam Harris speaking at the 2007 Aspen Ideas Festival.

Author Sam Harris addresses what he feels are several commonly-held misconceptions about atheism.

Some of the most inspired and provocative thinkers, writers, artists, business people, teachers and other leaders drawn from myriad fields and from across the country and around the world all gathered in a single place - to teach, speak, lead, question, and answer at the 2006 Aspen Ideas Festival. Throughout the week, they all interacted with an audience of thoughtful people who stepped back from their day-to-day routines to delve deeply into a world of ideas, thought, and discussion.

Sam Harris is the author of the New York Times bestsellers, The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation. The End of Faith won the 2005 PEN Award for Nonfiction.

Mr. Harris' writing has been published in over ten languages. He and his work have been discussed in Newsweek, TIME, U.S. News and World Report, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Chicago Tribune, The Economist, The Guardian, The Independent, The International Herald Tribune, Der Spiegel, The Globe and Mail, New Scientist, Wired, SEED Magazine, and many other journals.

Mr. Harris makes regular appearances on television and radio to talk about the danger that religion now poses to modern societies. His essays have appeared in Newsweek, The Los Angeles Times, The Times of London, The Boston Globe, and elsewhere. He blogs for the Washington Post / Newsweek website: On Faith, the Huffington Post, TruthDig, and Mr. Harris is a graduate in philosophy from Stanford University and has studied both Eastern and Western religious traditions, along with a variety of contemplative disciplines, for twenty years. He is completing a doctorate in neuroscience.

Dawkins Talks Atheism

On CNN. Plus, roundtable!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

$$$$$$ A Child Evangelist $$$$$$

A child Evangelist, taught from childhood how to become a lying evangelist, reveals the techniques of the trade.

Benny Hinn: A Massive Fraud & A Crook

Origin of Faith - Disturbing

A rare documentary insight into how tribal superstition, ritual and ignorance evolved into worship. An elder of a primitive Stone-Age Amazon tribe performs a sacrificial ritual rooted in tradition. A child is unwanted and is burried alive. "He must die! For the good of the tribe!" Could this type of superstition help explain the origin the Judeo-Christian crucifixion/scapegoating myth? Is this ritual, in part, the basis of modern religions?

Here is a story from the UK Telegraph:

Babies born into some Indian tribes in the Amazon are being buried alive, a practice that is being covered up by the Brazilian authorities out of respect for tribal culture. The tradition is based on beliefs that babies with any sort of physical defect have no souls and that others, such as twins or triplets, are also "cursed". Infanticide has claimed the lives of dozens of babies each year, say campaigners fighting to end the practice. Babies who are girls, who have some disability or who have unmarried mothers are all in danger of an early death in a shallow grave in the rainforest. Others are suffocated with leaves, poisoned or simply abandoned in the jungle. According to Dr Marcos Pelegrini, a doctor working in the Yanomami Tribe Health Care District, 98 children were killed by their mothers in 2004 alone. Campaigners say that the true figure is obscured by officials who often record cases of infanticide as simple malnutrition. At the same time, family anguish over infanticide has led to many adult tribal members committing suicide. READ THE COMPLETE STORY!!!


The video was produced by an organization called Global Voices... "Global Voices is a non-profit global citizens' media project founded at Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet and Society" Voice of the Survivor: This film is directed by a son of a JESUIT missionary and actors ARE used, according to ABC

Atheism, Religion - Richard Dawkins on “Have Your Say”

Atheism: Jonathan Miller - A Brief History of Disbelief - The Final Hour

Atheism: Jonathan Miller - A Brief History of Disbelief - The Final Hour - 58:08

The history of disbelief continues with the ideas of self-taught philosopher Thomas Paine, the revolutionary studies of geology and the evolutionary theories of Darwin. Jonathan Miller looks at the Freudian view that religion is a 'thought disorder'. He also examines his motivation behind making the series touching on the issues of death and the religious fanaticism of the 21st century.


"Religion is excellent stuff for keeping the common people quiet." The quote by Napoleon Bonaparte

Deist philosopher Thomas Paine was one of the most influential thinkers of England ever produced and he inspired founders of the US.

Jonathan Miller investigates that how secularism shaped the world throughout 19th century and guided the new ideologies.

Atheism: Jonathan Miller - A Brief History of Disbelief - Noughts and Crosses

Atheism: Jonathan Miller - A Brief History of Disbelief - Noughts and Crosses - 1:00:03

With the domination of Christianity from 500 AD, Jonathan Miller wonders how disbelief began to re-emerge in the 15th and 16th centuries. He discovers that division within the Church played a more powerful role than the scientific discoveries of the period. He also visits Paris, the home of the 18th century atheist, Baron D'Holbach, and shows how politically dangerous it was to undermine the religious faith of the masses.


There is in every village a torch: the scoolteacher and an extinguisher: the priest." The quote by Victor Hugo.

Some works of Aristotle and Plato supported the new Christian theology in the middle ages, however materialist philosophers such as Epicurus, Democritus and Lucretius were dismissed.

This is the story of re-emerging of atheism under the dogma and Christianity.

Atheism: Jonathan Miller's Brief History of Disbelief - Shadows of Doubt

Part I - Shadows of Doubt - 59:03

Jonathan Miller visits the absent Twin Towers to consider the religious implications of 9/11 and meets Arthur Miller and the philosopher Colin McGinn. He searches for evidence of the first 'unbelievers' in Ancient Greece and examines some of the modern theories around why people have always tended to believe in mythology and magic. --- Uploaded because this needs to be available as a shining light of the historicity of reason midst the depths and oceans of media absurdity and religious propaganda. So few representatives of atheism provide a compelling and earnest account for unbelief, let alone with the lucidity and intellectual vigor of Jonathan Miller. He is sincere and moving in this attempt to explain and understand the origins of the truth of disbelief of religious superstition and faith. --- Should the BBC or the producers find it inappropriate for me to have uploaded this video, I will gladly remove it upon their request.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Benny Hinn Responds to Controversy on Nightline

Oct. 19, 2009: Benny Hinn on ABC Nightline responding to accusations concerning his lavish lifestyle, controversial claims of faith healings, and more.

See the original feature here:

Watch the slight push Benny Hinn tries to do at 3:10.

Benny Hinn's wife and this isnt fake like her husband

A true classic...

Benny Hinn Drunk

False prophet Benny Hinn making a fool of himself and the gospel.

An Ex-Faith Healer Explains The Tricks Used(WOTM Radio)

This is an interview on Way of The master Radio with Todd Friel interviewing an ex faith healer, Mark Haville, who, after reading the Bible, realized the unbiblical nature of it. He explains the tricks used to make people think they are healed and how they make people fall over.

Exposing Benny Hinn (and other false healers)

This video has been produced for informational purposes only. None of the techniques in this video should be attempted, as some of them are quite dangerous.

Part 2:

Your Pastor is a Whore

George Carlin is in Hell

Another arrogant, self-righteous Christian.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Christopher Hitchens and Dinesh D'Souza Debate: What's so great about God?

Christopher Hitchens and Dinesh D'Souza at Macky Auditorium, CU Boulder debate on the topic: What's so great about God?

Christopher Hitchens and Dinesh D'Souza at CU Boulder from Justin Leddick on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

George Carlin: Interview with Jesus

"Interview with Jesus" - a funny bit about the ten commandments by the late George Carlin.

The God Question

"The God Question" - a funny bit about religion by the late George Carlin.

George Carlin (1937-2008) was a champion of free speech. Some thought he was the greatest comedian that had ever lived.

Although raised in the Roman Catholic faith (which he describes anecdotally on the albums FM & AM and Class Clown), Carlin often denounced the idea of God in interviews and performances, notably with his "Religion" and "There Is No God" routines as heard in You Are All Diseased.

Carlin also joked in his first book Brain Droppings that he worshiped the Sun, one reason being that he could actually see it. This was earlier mentioned in You Are All Diseased, along with the statement that he prayed to Joe Pesci (a good friend of his in real life) because "he's a good actor", and "looks like a guy who can get things done!"

In his HBO special Complaints and Grievances, Carlin introduced the "Two Commandments", a revised "pocket-sized" list of the Ten Commandments ending with the additional commandment of "Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself."

(Source: Wikipedia)

National Geographic The Mysteries Of Revelation

National Geographic Documentary about the decipherment of Revelation.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Obama Breaks Down Why We Need Separation of Church & State

In a speech from Barack Obama, he explains in clear terms why the separation of Church & State is necessary.

Watch the entire show at

Does prayer show a lack of faith?

by Jim Gardner

For example, the belief that God is omniscient, omnipresent and omnibenevolent means that He is always going to do whatever He feels is in your benefit and that, as a person of faith in Him, despite that these ways might not immediately seem to be stacked in your favour, you should accept that He knows what is best and accept whatever is thrown at you, safe in the knowledge that the big guy is taking care of it.

Praying that He change these meticulously planned events in your life, just at the moment your puny brain realises you’re being screwed, seems like an awful lack of faith to me. It’s tantamount to politely reminding God that He’s been standing on your foot for the last 20 years, without wanting to sound ungrateful for the reinforced shoes.

Prayer also seems to assume that God is absentminded, with regard to events in your life which are important to you. The idea that He will somehow forget what you want in your life, during that important job interview, flat out contradicts the idea that He, “knows every hair on your head”.

Of course, a good test of prayer would be for the believer to try not praying at all, previous to an important event and then see if it turns out exactly as they would have hoped it would, regardless. Of course this too would be interpreted as His guiding influence, no matter what the outcome, such is the hermetically sealed faith in faith which we’ve talked about at length elsewhere on this blog–but I struggle to think of a better way to demonstrate to someone who is caught within this kind of non-thinking, just how close minded they have become, while believing they are acting in the complete opposite.

There’s no polite way to say this, but the objectivity which would be necessary for the believer to truly view their own spirituality as the misnomer for intuitive superstition that it is, is asking a little too much of the average Christian, but only in the same way it would be difficult to be confident of your results were you to ask for the same separation between influence and inspiration of an artist, or the difference between drive and passion in an athlete, for example.

These are merely labels we give to emotions; facets of our personality where the line of demarcation is our ego and our protective self interest. Prayer seems to float above these projections of our inner cinema, like a conduit between the projectionist and the actors in the movie. Prayer is the illusion of being in control of something for which there is, in reality, no control whatsoever, despite a wish so strong that this were not the case, that this very disconnectedness between our ego and the outside world, becomes an article of faith by which the believer reinforces their biases towards what is, in fact, a completely unrealistic set of expectations.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Richard Dawkins - What about a female goddess?

NEW! Richard Dawkins: An Exclusive Profile

Academic and scientist Richard Dawkins proves a true intellect during this course of interviews and no topic proves too daunting, covering debates on faith and politics.

Christianity and Slavery

- Bishop John Henry Hopkins, from A scriptural, ecclesiastical, and historical view of slavery (1864)

80 Short Quotes About Atheism

d’Holbach on Theology

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Message to Creationists

From The Literal Meaning of Genesis, Book 1, Chapter 19.

The Atheist Experience #537 - "Liars 4 Jesus"

"The Alternative American History by the Christian Right" should have been the title of the bill the "Right Wing" was trying to pass. House Resolution 888 was full of lies. Fortunately they got caught and it never even made it to a vote. From The Atheist Experience #537 -

The Atheist Experience - Ray Comfort

The guys make fun of Ray Comfort.

The Atheist Experience #620 - How do you know if God is not Satan?

Ancient Superstitions

Kreeft on Science and Atheists

From Kreeft’s Faith and Reason: The Philosophy of Religion.

Monday, October 19, 2009

10 Ways to Embrace Doubt and Find Truth

Atheist Life vs Religious Life

Some argue that religious life is the best way to live. They claim life without a god is sad and depressing. Statements like "I could not imagine my life without God", and "My life would be meaningless without God", are common defenses for a religious life.

Atheists are Obsessed with Nothing

Atheism for kids

Thoughts for Tots - Playing the devil's advocate, Mr. Taylor reads a booklet for children published by atheist leader Madalyn Murray O'Hair before she was murdered.

The tract is entitled, "Did You Know All the Gods Came from the Same Place?" (The Land of Make Believe Inside Your Head.

Most of this is about Christianity.

Why I chose Atheism

The Amazing Atheist tells why he "chose atheism"

Sunday, October 18, 2009

"The Miracle of Life, The Reality of Death"

by Anonymous

Love and compassion are the saving grace of a belief in a higher being…
For the allowed evil and wrong in this world cannot be excused as the price of the “gift” of free will…
But for there to be compassion there must be suffering…
And it is suspect of a deity that would allow one to be praised for the other…

Love is truly a wonderful and amazing gift... if that is what it is…
It too though is not without cost…
Betrayal... Hate... Jealously... These are explained by most who believe as free will, that His role is not to force our actions
What then is destiny... fate... doesn't He have a plan for us all... free will is just an illusion as the end is the same no matter what path you take.

The masses have blind faith... a belief that He is watching over them…
He, who they have never truly seen…
He, who they attribute all their good fortune to…
He, who is testing them when the sea of life becomes turbulent…

He is not there... we are alone... all we have is each other…
The masses will continue to believe for it is wrong not to... as those before them did…
The masses will continue to believe because they hope life isn't what it appears to be, that something better awaits…
The masses will continue to believe because they are afraid... of being alone... of the finality of death... of divine retribution

We are responsible for love and compassion... suffering and hate... no One else
Life is not easy or perfect... it is mostly what you make of it…
It is not a test when your heart is strained... or you lose those you love…
It is life... and it must be... for if a deity allowed such things... events of which your feigned free will is not a factor... He is not worthy of your praise... He is not deserving of your belief... He... is just life... the same as you or I.

Tyra Banks interviews "Gay Exorcism" Victim

The Atheist Experience: Spinning Suffering

Don discusses how religions interpret meaningless suffering for their own ends.

The Atheist Experience TV Show
#622: Spinning Suffering
Host: Matt Dillahunty
Co-host: Don Baker

Introducing Richard Dawkins

Introducing Richard Dawkins from American Atheists on Vimeo.

Garden of Eden

Beyond being destructive, the Eden myth is simply false. There never was a "better" state from which human beings have "descended." Mr. Stolyarov explores why the Fall is an illusion that ought to be abandoned.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Watch Christopher Hitchens Get Waterboarded (VANITY FAIR)

How does it feel to be "aggressively interrogated"? Christopher Hitchens found out for himself, submitting to a brutal waterboarding session in an effort to understand the human cost of America's use of harsh tactics at Guantánamo and elsewhere.

Watch Christopher Hitchens Get Waterboarded (VANITY FAIR)

"Scientology is a Racket and a Con-Job" by Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens is an academic whose expertise is debating and disputing controversial religious, philosophical and political issues.
Although famously anti-religious, Hitchins told an interviewer that he thinks all educated people should have knowledge of the Bible. He also confirmed that his children have been instructed in religious history.
However, in this brief clip he reveals his distain for Scientology by describing it as a “Racket” and a “Con-Job”.

"Scientology is a Racket and a Con-Job" by Christopher Hitchens

God in the Gaps and the Scientific Method

God in the Gaps and the Scientific Method

The Meaning of Life?! (House)

Very good video. I wish everyone would start seeing the world for what it is and what it will be.

House on Atheism

Doctor House (played by Hugh Laurie) gives his say on religion. "It's not about fun, it's about the truth."

Hugh Laurie on God Almighty

Hugh Laurie on God Almighty, hosted by Clive Anderson. It aired 11th March 2003. He talks about the changes he would make in the world if he were God.

A very skilled Christian debater - The Atheist Experience

From episode #424

Barack Obama, The Inauguration And His Atheistic Education - The Atheist Experience #589

Barack Obama, The Presidential Inauguration And His Atheistic Education (The Atheist Experience #589 with Matt Dillahunty & Jennifer Peeples)

God Of The Gaps - The Atheist Experience

God Of The Gaps (The Atheist Experience with Matt Dillahunty & Ashley Perrien).


The pagan origins of Santa Claus and Christmas.

Landover Baptist's Pastor preaches to Atheists

Landover Baptist's Pastor Chris Harper addresses thousands of hellbound freethinkers in front of Congress at the Godless March on Washington.

The Landover Baptist Church is a fictional Baptist church based in the fictional town of Freehold, Iowa. The Landover Baptist web site and its associated Forum are a parody of fundamentalist Christianity and the Religious Right in the United States.

The site was created by Chris Harper,[2] who obtained his Master's Degree in English Literature from George Mason University in 1993 after being expelled from Liberty University (founded by Jerry Falwell) in 1989 for producing a satirical radio show which Liberty's administration found offefbarper frequently appears at atheist conventions playing the character of "Pastor Deacon Fred Smith" The website is owned by a company called Americhrist, Ltd.

The fictional Landover Baptist Church is a parody of fundamentalist, Independent Baptist churches and Biblical literalism. The church is supposedly located on a 35-acre (140,000 m2) campus in Freehold. The fictitious church grants all authority to its Pastor Deacon Fred Smith, in accordance with its interpretation of Romans 13.

The church claims to have 28 paid pastors, 412 full time staff members, 11 fully-equipped chapels, 7 sanctuaries, a 100,000 seat amphitheater, 12 television studios, 2 radio stations, an academy, a university, 2 gated communities, 27 developments, 3 office parks, as well as a shopping mall, amusement park, golf course, retirement community, foundation, fire and police department, circus camp, resort center, retreat center, and a number of fitness centers, swimming pools, hot springs, and cemeteries.

THE ORIGINS OF CHRISTIANITY, ISLAM & JUDAISM (The Story of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac & Ishmael)

In light of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, USS Cole, U.S. Embassies, etc., it is important to have a basic understanding of the origins of Christianity, Islam and Judaism to place the conflict in perspective. However, as will be discussed in this article, the amazing irony is that all of these religions were born of a single man and share some common beliefs. It is incomprehensible that such violent and deadly conflicts exist between religions born from common ground. But, that is the history of all religions: factions divide and fight.

Are there any truths in the Bible? The Koran (Qur'ân)? The Holy Scriptures of Judaism? While these writings are obviously filled with mythology, fabrications and exaggerations - it is likely that there is an element of truth in many stories with respect to some people and events. Unfortunately, many of these stories have been stretched and embellished to the point of being laughable (See Science, Truth and the Church and Thomas Paine's "Age of Reason".) However, the fact that references to the story of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac & Ishmael appear in all three of these religious documents lends some credibility to portions of the historical account. One can build a somewhat cohesive overlap between the Bible, the Koran and the Holy Scriptures of Judaism, with respect to their lineage and origins of belief.

"As you will see, the origins of these three religions are a result
of family feuds, tribal divisions, mistresses and concubines."

Circa 2100 B.C to 1500 B.C. (depending on biblical and archaeological disputes): The story begins with Abraham (the Bible refers to him as Abram and later Abraham, Koran refers to him as Ibrahim). Abraham was supposedly chosen by God to spread his word and rule a great nation. Abraham was married to Sarai (or Sarah). However, Sarah was barren and unable to have a child to lead the great nation. So, she told Abraham to have sex with their Egyptian servant Hagar in an attempt to have a child. Hagar conceived and Ishmael was born. However, later Sarah did ended up having a son with her husband Abraham. This son of the marriage was Isaac.

The Dilemma: Which Son Carries the Word of God?

Abraham & Hagar
(Abraham's mistress, an Egyptian servant)

Son: Ishmael


Abraham & Sarah
(Abraham's wife)

Son: Isaac

--> Isaac's Son: Jacob

Jews, Christians and Muslims all consider themselves as Abraham's spiritual offspring. However, the division of Abraham's message into separate religions was a direct result of the two sons - one born in marriage to Sarah, the other to the Egyptian servant Hagar. Muslims claim the first born son, Ishmael, was an apostle and prophet, and was the legitimate successor. Christians and Jews believe it can only be the son resulting from conception within the marriage, or Isaac. Jews believe further that their divine message comes not only from Isaac, but from Isaac's son Jacob.

According to all 3 scriptures (the Bible, the Koran and the Holy Scriptures of Judaism), God calls upon Abraham to sacrifice his son as the greatest test of faith. However, in the Christian and Jewish Bibles, the son chosen to sacrifice was Isaac. Muslims believe it was Ishmael. (Note: Neither son was actually sacrificed because God was just practicing a cruel test. In the end, a ram was sacrificed.)

From these original family feuds, the division between the religions continued to deepen. Christians follow the teachings of Moses, Jesus and Abraham. In Islamic religion, Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad in the seventh century carried the true word. They believed the teachings of Moses and Jesus to be distortions of the truth for which Muhammad was the remedy. Jews continued their split from Christianity by not accepting the divinity of Jesus as "the son of God". They believe God is spiritual, not flesh, and has no human attributes. Jews also do not believe in original sin nor heaven and hell.

"Again, it is amazing that the hatred and violence we see today
between Muslims, Christians and Jews were born of the
same teachings from a man called Abraham."

Side Notes: Sex: The twisted sexual story of Abraham, Sarah and their slave mistress Hagar is an interesting one. However, there's more. Prior to having Isaac and Ishmael, Abraham and Sarah traveled to Egypt. Sarah was very beautiful and Abraham feared that the Pharaoh may kill him to take his wife. So, Abraham told Sarah to say that she was Abraham's sister to save himself! The Pharaoh was interested in Sarah and she became one of his concubines (or wives). Later the Pharaoh discovered the deception and banished them both from Egypt. Sounds like a juicy smut novel, but the Bible is full of this type of stuff!

Age: We are told that Abraham was 90 years old when Ishmael was born and 100 years old when Isaac was born. Isn't it doubtful that a man of this age could be so successful spreading his seed?! Even more questionable, Sarah was supposedly 90 years old when she gave birth to Isaac! Now, I'm sure you find this as hard to believe as I do!? According to the Bible, even "Abraham fell facedown; he laughed and said to himself, "Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?" [Genesis 17:17]. Also, Sarah "laughed to herself as she thought, "After I am worn out and my master is old, will I now have this pleasure?"

Populations: Today, the tribal division that resulted from Abraham's sons has resulted in:

  • 1 billion Christians,
  • 1.2 billion Muslims, and
  • Nearly 15 million Jews.

Children of a stupid god

This video contains a small inaccuracy that biblical scholars will doubtless pounce on. The phrase "lake of fire" actually comes from Revelation, not from Jesus, but he's still responsible for the Christian idea of eternal damnation, the bastard.

You can download an audio version of this video at:

Friday, October 16, 2009

Politics and Religion - Pat Condell

Politics and Religion - Pat Condell

Crucie Fiction | MySpace Video

Why Debate Dogma? - Pat Condell

Why Debate Dogma? - Pat Condell

Crucie Fiction | MySpace Video

God Strikes Back - Richard Dawkins

The 2008 Channel-4 documentary 'God Strikes Back'.

The documentary is part of the series 'The Genius of Darwin'.

In this episode, Dawkins examines why Darwin's theory remains one of the most controversial ideas in history.

Highlights of this episode include a science teacher who believes the world is less than 10,000 years old, the Archbishop of Canterbury being made to look like an intellectual cretin, and an insight into the hate mail which Professor Dawkins receives from 'good christian folk' for his outspoken support of science over mumbo-jumbo.

As Darwin set out on the voyage on the Beagle he still believed that god created the world and everything in it. But the evidence he discovered - fossils, patterns of anatomical resemblance, startling similarities of embryos and domestic breeding - demonstrated the truth: that all life forms vary and that some are more likely to reproduce, passing variations on.

The Virus of Faith - Richard Dawkins

2006 documentary The Virus of Faith: Biologist and professor Richard Dawkins opines that the moral framework of religions is warped, and argues against the religious indoctrination of children. The title of this documentary comes from The Selfish Gene, in which Dawkins discussed the concept of memes.

Dawkins also argues that the process of non-thinking called faith is not a way of understanding the world, but instead stands in fundamental opposition to modern science and the scientific method, and is divisive and dangerous.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Christopher Hitchens Debates Timothy Jackson - Part 1 of 7

Debate at Emory University, 5-16-2007
1 hour 16 minutes

The thing that made the things for which there is no known maker

Every painting needs to have had a painter, and every building needs to have had a builder.
Every thing for which there is no known maker, needs to have been made by something.
Maybe, thousands of years ago, a conversation like this took place... and brought theism into the world. I wonder if the dogmatism came along as quickly as in THIS example?

This is definitely one for the atheists and anti-theists. I don't expect religious folk to really get this one. I probably won't do much debating on this, I get sick enough of explaining myself on what I think are EASY satires to understand.

Full name: The thing that made the things for which there is no known maker and that causes and directs the events that we can't otherwise explain and doesn't need to have been made and is the one thing from which you can ask for things that no human can give and without whom we can't be fully happy and is unlimited by all the laws of physics and never began and will never finish and is invisible but actually everywhere at once and who is so perfect that even if he killed millions of people including babies he'd still be perfect and who could even make a virgin pregnant if he wanted to.
(Oh, the bloopers!!! You can imagine...)

Christopher Hitchens on the ignorance of believers

Hitchens digs in to people who suggest that there is a God.

Dr Richard Dawkins proves the existence of God (from :Climbing Mount Improbable 8-8)

Richard Dawkins proves the existence of God.

Coming out as an Atheist - The Atheist Experience

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Judgment Day - Intelligent Design on Trial (full movie)

PBS Nova Documentary on the Dover school district trial (Kitzmiller v. Dover) and the ramifications it has for being able to keep Intelligent Design (creationism) out of science classrooms. Ken Miller and many others.

"In the beginning God created. To me that is all I need to know." Melinda Forry

Judge: John E. Jones III. U.S. District Judge

Bill Buckhingham, Dover School Board member
Ray Mummert, Dover Pastor
Melinda Forry, Dover Resident
Alan Bonsell, Dover School Board member

Scientists and thinking people:
Kenneth R. Miller, Biologist at Brown University
Bertha Spahr, Dover Science Teacher
Bryan Rehm, Dover Science Teacher

PZ Myers: Expelled from Expelled! - Richard Dawkins

This is a short clip from an upcoming discussion between PZ Myers and Richard Dawkins.

(Filmed and Edited by Josh Timonen)

God - John Lennon

God is a concept
By which we measure
Our pain
I'll say it again
God is a concept
By which we measure
Our pain

I don't believe in magic
I don't believe in I-ching
I don't believe in Bible
I don't believe in tarot
I don't believe in Hitler
I don't believe in Jesus
I don't believe in Kennedy
I don't believe in Buddha
I don't believe in Mantra
I don't believe in Gita
I don't believe in Yoga
I don't believe in kings
I don't believe in Elvis
I don't believe in Zimmerman
I don't believe in Beatles
I just believe in me
Yoko and me
And that's reality

The dream is over
What can I say?
The dream is over
I was the Dreamweaver
But now I'm reborn
I was the Walrus
But now I'm John
And so dear friends
You'll just have to carry on
The dream is over

Ian McEwan Interview - Richard Dawkins - This is the uncut interview from the Channel 4 TV program 'The Root of All Evil?', hosted by Richard Dawkins. This video is provided free online by The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Four Horsemen HD - Discussions with Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens - On the 30th of September 2007, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens sat down for a first-of-its-kind, unmoderated 2-hour discussion, convened by RDFRS and filmed by Josh Timonen.

All four authors have recently received a large amount of media attention for their writings against religion - some positive, and some negative. In this conversation the group trades stories of the public's reaction to their recent books, their unexpected successes, criticisms and common misrepresentations. They discuss the tough questions about religion that face the world today, and propose new strategies for going forward.

Hour 1 of 2

Hour 2 of 2

This video is provided free online by The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science (RDFRS) and .

Filmed and Edited by Josh Timonen

Books by these authors:
"The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins
"The End of Faith" by Sam Harris
"Letter to a Christian Nation" by Sam Harris
"God is Not Great" by Christopher Hitchens
"Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon" by Daniel Dennett
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