Saturday, December 19, 2009

Can you trust your thoughts?

Can you trust your thoughts? Yes.

A few notes: Our sensory neurons do reliably transmit information about the world around us. Neurons in higher cortical areas can be quite noisy, but averaging the activity from small populations of such neurons still produces a reliable signal.

Its not just our senses that we trust. You didn't hit your hand because you trusted either your memory (of getting hit by an object like a hammer) or your logical reasoning (that hitting your hand with a hammer, though something you have never experienced, would hurt).

Science is a self correcting system. If a result is unable to be reproduced, it is discarded. New findings constantly reshape our thinking. We are continuously learning about the world around us, and have no problem admitting that we don't have all the answers.

So it is clearly safe for everyone to Think about it.

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