1. EFFECT: The word "sacrifice" in daily modern usage has taken on a modified meaning from its original designation. The Latin root, sacrificium, is a combination of sacer, which means sacred, and -fic- (from facer), which is to make or do. However, one cannot forget the religious implications this term denotes. From prehistoric Mesoamerican religions to the evolution of Christianity and Judaism to modern-day renditions of Santeria and Voodoo, sacrifice plays a necessary role in certain religious ceremonies. What other contexts can sacrifice be found in? The focus of the following is upon the importance of blood in sacrifice. It seems the purpose of a religious sacrifice is to sanctify the taking of a life, usually marked by the spilling of the victim's blood, as is the case with animals and humans. IT IS CEREMONIOUS ACT LINKING MORTALS TO THEIR GODS. The blood is a required 'food' for the gods. Being not of human flesh, they require the very LIFE-FORCE OF HUMAN DNA to nourish and appease them. Sacrificial blood has divine powers which can sanctify mortals and nourish deities. But aside from the material on sacrifice within established religions, other blood-sacrifices need to be considered as well. For instance, hundreds of thousands of soldiers have died on the battlefield in the name of nationalism. Is this sacrifice? If one considers the religious implications of nationalism and warfare, it is... The basic teachings of Judaism and Christianity are rooted in sacrificial practices which are no longer performed. Nevertheless, what is interesting in light of the religious ground America was built upon, is our absolute abhorrence and ethnocentric evaluation of sacrifices, human or animal, past and present. Perhaps Christians and Jews do not want to acknowledge that the roots of their religions are covered in sacrificial blood as well. True, the Biblical God did not require the large number of humans required by other deities in other places, but the underlying principles are very similar. The practice of animal sacrifice was abolished with the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD. However, the sacrificial origins of circumcision have continued to have an impact in Judaism in the modern era. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ's death upon the cross is the ultimate sacrifice of Christianity. The Eucharist is an important aspect of the Catholic faith because of its roots in Christ's act of human sacrifice. Mayan bizarre acts of spiritual commitment seem to be a little "healthier" than the Holy Inquisition tortures, Catholic practice of flagellation or Islamic suicide bombing. All of them reach the judgment corridor of the Western mind which houses the notion of what is unacceptable and unforgivable. What strikes me odd is how so much humanity has been able to place war and genocide outside of that corridor.
2. CAUSE: The spiritual beings worshiped as gods by many religious groups are IMPOSTORS. They are nothing more than the disembodied spirits of human beings who refuse to reincarnate. They remain on the astral plane, where they exercise power over other spirits and over living people. They are called THEOCRATS, a name also used to describe the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and other earthly rulers who justified their demand for absolute political power by posing as divine beings. The THEOCRATS are violating NATURAL LAWS when they refuse to reincarnate - it all explained by Kyle Griffith at http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/warinheaven/warheaven-III.htm
Theocracy on Earth has passed through four different stages of development so far, and is now entering a fifth. THE FIRST STAGE was tribal shamanism of the type that produced the Alta Mira cave paintings thousands of years ago. First-stage Theocratic religions have never entirely died out, and still exist today among certain tribes of North American Indians, Africans, and Australian Aborigines. Most of them, though, have been evolving into more advanced types or have been replaced with outside religions since these peoples came into ever-increasing contact with foreigners over the past few hundred years. THE SECOND STAGE of Theocratic religion involves mass human sacrifice and usually cannibalism on a large scale as well. The Maya & Aztecs practiced it until ~ 500 + years ago, and some of the ancient Middle Eastern people did also, starting ~ 5000 years ago. The reason that second-stage Theocratic religion practiced mass human sacrifice was to supply the Theocratic-Gods with a constant food (human DNA) supply. Suffice it to say that Mayan demise & collapse has happened because of the intentional transformation of HIGH SCIENCE OF SELF into a religious cannibalistic paradigm of GODS-IMPOSTORS with the TECHNOLOGY OF OCCULT HUMAN SACRIFICE. THESE WERE THE DARK AGES, exactly identical to the opposite side of the planet and at almost exactly the same time, - ages of wars and Inquisition.
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